
Remedial works in Brook Lane at Gem garage site complete – follow link here

FRSA scheme roads

FRSA Aims and Objectives:

Road Surfaces
Maintenance of road surfaces by whole road resurfacing and localised repairs, such as potholes

Road Markings
Maintenance of road markings, white & yellow lines

Regular clearance of gullies and testing of existing soakaways

Road Sweeping
Annual road sweeping

Upkeep of our five garden sites

Maximising FRSA membership

Keeping residents informed via our website and three village noticeboards

Useful contacts for matters NOT related to the FRSA Aims and Objectives:

Parish Council – 01903 249449, parishoffice@ferringparishcouncil.org.uk
– Dog waste bins
– Salt bins
– Fallen trees
– Street/road signs
– Litter
– Council adopted roads & traffic regulation orders

Arun District Council on 01903 777655, car.parks@arun.gov.uk
– Parking

Southern Water 0330 303 0277
– Water Leaks
– Foul water drainage

Mark Warwick on 01903 737500
– Tree Preservation

Focus for 2024

Drainage – our plan is to seek technical advice in areas that need attention due to flooding and schedule work to be completed in these areas, also to put together a 5 year plan to replace damaged gully pots and soakaways.

New Roads Role – our plan is to complete a job description and advertise for the recruitment of an additional person to assist with the Roads maintenance.

Summary of works completed in 2023

  • Maintenance of our five garden sites
  • Road sweeping & clearing of gullies
  • Renewal of white lines and give way signs
  • Road resurfacing of three roads
  • Pot Hole repairs in several areas